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Cat hair allergy - Cat allergy what to do?

Allergy to cat hair? You have a cat and you find that you are making a cat allergy ? So how do you do it?

Since you adopted your little cat, you keep sneezing, coughing, rubbing your eyes ... In this article, you will learn how to know if you are allergic to cats, what are the symptoms of an allergy to cat hair, treatments, natural remedies, solutions ...

So you will know what to do when you have a cat and you are allergic.

What is cat hair allergy?

Cat hair allergy is actually your body's reaction to a molecule: The Fel d1 protein. It is a secretoglobin protein that is produced largely in the saliva of cats and in their sebaceous glands. It is the main allergen present in cats but also in kittens. To Fel d1, we must add the proteins Fel d 4, 2 and 3 which are also allergens present in cats but less virulent.

As your cat licks its coat, these proteins and the Fel d1 in particular get on their hair. However, cat hair is very volatile and is deposited all over the house, on clothes, on sofas ...

Cat hair allergy why?

Cat allergenic secretions such as the Fel d1 protein (which we have just discussed) are pneumallergens. This means that they enter the human body through the respiratory tract.

In fact, by inhaling this protein, the allergic person's immune system will be disrupted and secrete too much histamine which triggers the symptoms of the allergy (see below).

Cat hair allergy symptoms

The symptoms of cat allergy can show up immediately or several years after you adopt a cat. Symptoms of a cat allergy manifest themselves as those of rhinitis or an asthma attack:

  • Sneezing;
  • Runny nose ;
  • Cough;
  • Wheezing ;
  • Hives on the body or face;
  • Itchy eyes;
  • Redness and discharge from the eyes;
  • Itchy throat.

Be careful if you have asthma attacks. Because the presence of the allergen in your bronchi can trigger bronchoconstriction and excess mucus production which can lead to a decrease in the diameter of the bronchi and bronchioles. The allergic person could then have difficulty breathing. She will cough and will present with what is known as “wheezing” breathing.

Know that if there is an asthma attack, it is a health problem that must be quickly taken care of.

Regardless of your mild or severe symptoms, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

Allergy to desensitization cat hair?

Faced with this problem which is becoming permanent, there are medical solutions. Indeed, you can go to an allergist who will suggest that you try desensitization. It is a process which is quite long and the results of which are not 100% guaranteed.

This involves gradually accustoming your body to contact with the allergen, in the form of sublingual drops or subcutaneous injections. Depending on your level of allergy, it may take several months or years before you are fully desensitized. Often it turns out that desensitization is not effective at all.

In fact, scientists believe that animal hair desensitizations have not yet proven successful and are continuing their research and testing.

Cat hair allergy treatment

To treat the symptoms of a cat allergy, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines or corticosteroids by local route (nasal spray, eye drops, etc.) or in tablet form.

For asthma attacks, specific treatment with inhaled salbutamol is often given.

Cat hair allergy and homeopathy

Homeopathy can be a solution as a basic treatment:

  • Lung histamine to treat respiratory allergies (rhinitis with a profuse runny nose and frequent sneezing).
  • Histamine to neutralize the action of histamine, responsible for the allergic reaction.

Cat allergy natural treatment

To naturally fight this cat allergy, you will need to strengthen your immune system. For this, it is recommended to take echinacea tincture or foods that contain omega 3 such as sardines, flaxseed oil or certain fish such as salmon.

Also think of nettle which has anti allergic properties and which soothes the symptoms of rhinitis.

There are other herbs that can help fight this allergy. The best will be to consult a naturopath who can offer you the best products or mixtures correctly adapted to your symptoms.

Cat hair allergy essential oils

Essential oils will not cure your allergy but can help you cope better by sometimes relieving some symptoms. Here are those that could act in this direction:

  • Eucalyptus radiata essential oil to help clear the airways;
  • Roman chamomile essential oil for its antiparasitic and antiseptic active ingredients;
  • Essential oil of tropical basil for its anti-histamine properties;
  • Linalool thyme essential oil for its immuno-stimulating and anti-infectious benefits;
  • Tarragon essential oil for its antispasmodic power.

The best will be to get advice from your pharmacist who will tell you the recommended doses and mixtures.

Cat hair allergy what to do?

Of course, you don't want to part with your cat… and I understand you! However, to decrease the symptoms of your cat hair allergy, you will need to minimize the risks.

And to decrease the concentration of allergens in your home, here are some tips:

  • Ventilate the bedroom but also the whole house at least once a day and at least for 1 minutes;
  • Prohibit your cat's access to your room from the allergic (always close the door);
  • Vacuum with a special animal hair vacuum cleaner ;
  • Remove rugs and carpets;
  • Wash your clothes well and scrub them with an effective brush to remove all hair (See Snoofield Anti Hair brush);
  • Have your cat brushed regularly outside by a non-allergic third party (Furminator for cats);
  • Wash your cat naturally as often as possible and run a damp washcloth every day over his coat;
  • Put an air purifier in your room (even if it is not 100% proven effective °;
  • Maintain impeccable hygiene in your home (see cleaning detail below).

Cat allergy how to clean?

  • For your beds and sofas, put removable covers or bedspreads that you wash every week;
  • Vacuum all your interior fabrics at least once a week (cushions, curtains, throws, etc.);
  • Change your sheets every week;
  • Towels, tea towels, household linen should also be washed as often as possible;
  • Regularly clean your floor and carpets,
  • Dust every day with a product that retains dusty elements (see my article Stop cat hair)

Cat allergy - Natural product

Here is a natural product developed by teams of doctors, pharmacists, expert aromatherapists and toxicologists:

Puressentiel - Air purifying spray with essential oils

Puressentiel has carried out 224 scientific studies and tests of efficacy and tolerance, in close collaboration with university hospital experts and independent research teams.

Cat allergy - Laundry product

To wash your clothes and household linen, I recommend that you use Sanytol which guarantees a disinfecting effect in addition to your classic laundry. Indeed, this product:

  • disinfects laundry thoroughly without bleach;
  • eliminates germs and bacteria;
  • can be used in a machine or by hand;
  • is effective from 20 ° C.

Sanytol Laundry disinfectant

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1 thought on “Cat hair allergy – Allergy to cats what to do?”

  1. Ping: How to stop having cat hair?

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