At what age does a kitten see and open its eyes

How long does a 2 month old kitten sleep

You just adopted a kitten that's just sleeping and you wonder how long does a 2 month old kitten sleep ? Don't worry too much because it is normal for a kitten to sleep a lot. Her hours of sleep vary depending on her age and activity. This is what we will find out below.

We will first see why it is important for a 2 month old kitten to sleep a lot and secondly, we will see what is the sleep time of a 2 month old kitten per day.

My 2 month old kitten is just sleeping - Why?

If your 2 month old kitten sleeps most of the day, that's totally normal. It's like a human baby who sleeps a lot especially the first 2 months. In fact, sleeping for a long time during the day is a natural, essential and indispensable phenomenon for a kitten:

My 2 month old kitten is just sleeping - Growth

Sleep for a kitten, whatever its age, but even more so if it is a baby, is essential for its growth and good development (brain, nervous system, bones, muscles, muscles…). Indeed, while your 2 month old kitten is sleeping, her body makes growth hormones that stimulate the development of her organs.

So, for a 2 month old kitten to grow well, he must sleep a lot!

My 2 month old kitten is just sleeping - Temperature

A kitten needs warmth. When he is separated from his mother at 2 months, he is not yet able to regulate his body temperature. Sleeping makes him feel as warm as he was with his mother. Sleeping gives him a feeling of well-being and protection.

How long does a 2 month old kitten sleep per day?

Sleeping time of the kitten from 0 to 2 months

A newborn kitten usually sleeps more than 20 hours a day. And over the weeks, the kitten will grow, wake up and gradually decrease its daily sleep time. From 20 hours of sleep per day, the 2 month old kitten will increase to 15 hours of daily sleep.

Indeed, it has been observed that a 2 month old kitten spends on average 60% of its time sleeping. This means that at 2 months, a kitten sleeps between 13 and 15 hours a day.

Sleeping time of a kitten over 2 months

From 2 months, the kitten's sleep time begins to increase again. A 2 month old kitten will spend around 70% of its time sleeping, or 15 to 16 hours per day.

It's more or less the same sleep time he will have as an adult.

Kitten sleep time 2 months

How long does a 2 month old kitten really sleep?

It seems to you that your kitten is sleeping all the time, but in fact at times, he is not really asleep. Indeed, often during the day, the kitten will take micro naps during which he does not sleep soundly. During these phases of light sleep, also called paradoxical sleep, the kitten can be agitated, have contractions of certain muscles and can make noises.

Then the kitten will go into the slow sleep phase. He will fall asleep more deeply. He will keep his body still, have lower heart rates, and breathe more slowly.

During the day and at night, your 2 month old kitten will alternate these phases of slow sleep with the phases of REM sleep.

2 month kitten sleep time - How to promote it?

As we have seen, a good sleep is essential for the good growth of your kitten. So to promote falling asleep and the quality of his sleep, it is recommended to:

  • to reserve a sufficiently heated and quiet room so that he can sleep peacefully without being disturbed,
  • provide him with a cozy basket with warm blanket where you will install it to sleep. And if it seems to you that your aspen kitten at night, try to put on a self-heating blanket (see below).
  • accustom him from an early age to a bedtime ritual by isolating him in his room every evening at the same time and always following the same routine: games, meals, cuddles and bedtime.
  • close the shutters of his room or turn off the light. Because if it is true that a kitten can see in the night, putting it in the dark will condition it to fall asleep.

See also: How to take care of a 2 month old kitten? ou At what age is a kitten clean?

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