Can a cat allow itself to die - Photo source Pixabay

How do you know if a cat has a fever?

How do you know if a cat has a fever? Worried because your cat is not doing very well and you wonder if he is sick, if he has a fever?

The problem is that if he does not feel well, if he has a problem, he unfortunately cannot complain or alert you ...

A “normal” body temperature in cats as in humans is an indicator of good health. Thus, in case of fever above normal in your cat, this is the indicator that the latter has a health problem.

By catching her fever, you will be sure that yes or no your cat is sick and if so, see how to treat him and suddenly lower his fever.

To help you find out if your cat has a fever, we will address the following questions:

  • How do you know if a cat has a fever without a thermometer?
  • What is a cat's normal temperature?
  • How to take a cat's temperature?
  • How to lower a cat's temperature?

How can I tell if a cat has a fever?

If your cat is not in great shape, here are some symptoms of fever that he may have and that should be detected:

  • Lack of appetite ;
  • Lethargic behavior;
  • Decreased activity ;
  • State of weakness;
  • Changed breathing;
  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Cough;
  • Sneezing;
  • Skin swelling;
  • Excessive hair loss;
  • Separation from other cats;
  • Chills;
  • Negligence in his toilet.

How do you know if a cat has a fever without a thermometer?

If you don't have a thermometer to take your cat's temperature, here are some clues that can reveal a feverish condition in a cat.

By comparing the heat inside her ear: In fact, when your cat is doing well, place a finger inside her ear to gauge her heat level. When you suspect a fever, place your finger in the same spot and check if it is much warmer than normal.

This is what we do for children when we put our hand on their forehead to see if it is warmer than usual.

And just like their ears, your cat's back may give off more heat in a feverish condition. It's up to you to examine and evaluate it.

Know if a cat has a fever - state of its nose?

Contrary to popular belief, a cat with a dry, warm muzzle is not necessarily a symptom of a fever in a cat.

If you have noticed any of the symptoms listed above, of course you will want to check if your cat has a fever.

But the only reliable way to tell if your cat has a fever will be to use a thermometer to check if her temperature is above a cat's normal temperature.

Cat temperature

The normal temperature of a healthy cat is between 38 ° C and 39,2 ° C. So above 39,2 ° C, you can consider your cat to be feverish.

If you have a kitten a few months old, find out what is the normal temperature of a kitten?

How to tell if a cat has a fever - Thermometer

The only reliable method of taking a cat's temperature is by using a thermometer. You can opt for a rectal thermometer with a flexible tip, much like those used in children or babies or for an electronic thermometer that can be used on one ear.

To avoid being taken aback when the time comes, it is best to order a thermometer now so that you can use it as soon as your cat shows symptoms of a fever.

Cat thermometer template

How to take a cat's temperature?

The best will be to get help to take the cat on you without getting scratched. Then you can wrap it in a towel or a cloth to immobilize it.

Gather your equipment near you:

  • Thermometer;
  • Lubricant (eg petroleum jelly);
  • Alcohol) 90;
  • Absorbent paper (paper towel);
  • Reward (catnip toy or treat) for your cat.

Then follow the instructions below depending on the type of temperature measurement (rectum or ear):

Cat rectum temperature

  • To take the temperature of a cat at the level of its rectum, you must first think about lubricating it with, for example, a little petroleum jelly.
  • Then, you have to gently lift its tail.
  • Insert the thermometer into the cat's anus (no more than 2 cm) and wait 2 minutes.
  • Take out the thermometer and check the temperature indicated by the mercury.
  • Thoroughly clean the thermometer with 90 degree alcohol and wipe dry with paper towel.
  • Note the temperature in order to communicate it to your veterinarian.
  • Consider rewarding your cat by offering him a treat or a toy.

Cat ear temperature

Simply turn on the electronic thermometer specially designed for pets;

  • Place it in one of his ears;
  • The temperature is taken for about twenty seconds;
  • Remove the electronic thermometer when it rings.
  • Check the temperature displayed on the small screen.
  • Note the temperature in order to communicate it to your veterinarian.
  • Consider rewarding your cat by offering him a treat or a toy.

If your cat's fever rises above 39.2 ° C, take her to a vet without delay.

If your cat is definitely not at all docile and won't let it go. As a result, it will be impossible for you to take his temperature. So do not insist because you risk getting scratched or even bitten. The wiser will be to take him to a veterinarian.

How to lower a cat's temperature?

If while waiting to go to the vet, you want to lower your cat's temperature, you should first try to cool it down. However, cats lose heat by cooling the glands in their paws or by panting.

  • Isolate your cat in the coolest room possible;
  • Turn on a fan towards your cat's body;
  • Using a glove, gently wet their coat with cool water or use a spray bottle to moisten their hair.
  • Make it drink as much as possible (see How to hydrate a cat who refuses to drink).

Anyway, if your cat's fever persists and exceeds 39.2 ° C, she will need to be taken to a veterinarian quickly. Indeed, it is your veterinarian who will tell you what your cat is suffering from (diarrhea, common cold, Corysa…) and who will know how to treat him!

Need to cut your cat's claws? Here is how to cut a cat's claws

Does your cat have a tick? Here is how to disinfect a tick bite

3 thoughts on “How do you know if a cat has a fever?”

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