Locking up your cat at night in a room, bathroom or in the toilet

Locking up your cat at night in a room, bathroom or toilet

You can no longer sleep because of your cat and you wonder if it is possible toto lock up your cat at night in the bathroom or the toilet? Letting a cat come and go at night can indeed pose problems for your personal rest but also for the safety of the cat itself or that of your children. But before making this choice, questions arise about the possibility oflock a cat in a room at night :

  • Can you leave your cat locked in a room at night?
  • Can you lock your cat in the bathroom or the toilet at night?
  • Will my cat put up with being locked up all night?
  • How not to feel guilty about leaving your cat locked up at night?
Lock up your cat at night in the bathroom or toilet

Can you leave your cat locked in a room at night?

Even though some say it's cruel to leave your cat locked in a room all night, I think it depends on the circumstances. Indeed, many cat owners make their animal sleep at night in a closed room (bathroom or other) and everything goes well.

If he's not used to it since childhood, it's sure that locking a cat in a room overnight overnight can make him anxious. In fact, each cat can react differently. Some will spend the night locked up without any particular reaction while others will moan or scratch the door. Adaptation will depend on several factors:

  • Room size
  • The layout of the room
  • The way you got your cat used to sleeping at night

Lock up your cat at night in the bathroom or the toilet?

Yes, it is quite possible under certain conditions to lock up a cat at night in a bathroom or in a toilet. Here are the conditions to be respected:

Room size

Locking a cat in the bathroom or toilet at night can be considered if the room is large enough. Indeed, you need enough space to put your basket and everything you need to have a good night's sleep. In addition, the space should be large enough for the cat to move, jump and hide somewhere.

In fact, if you want to lock your cat at night in a room, it will have to do at least 6 m2 which is the average area of ​​the bathrooms.

Room layout

So that the night goes as well as possible for your locked cat, it will be necessary to plan to install there:

  • a cozy basket so that he sleeps warm,
  • a bowl of water so that he can drink,
  • a clean litter box for him to do his business,
  • a perch or a cat tree so that he can satisfy his natural instincts,
  • an empty cardboard box or cat tunnel so he can hide inside.

Room security

To prevent your cat from injuring itself or poisoning itself in the room where you locked it up at night, here are some precautions to take:

  • Make sure all furniture and cupboards are securely closed;
  • Remove all objects that are brittle, sharp or dangerous for your cat;
  • No hygienic products, medicines, household products within reach of the cat ...

Get your cat used to being locked up at night

If you've just adopted a little kitten, that's fine. Indeed, you will get him used to falling asleep in his room and everything will be fine.

On the other hand, if your cat is used to coming and going as he pleases throughout the house, even at night, it is likely that he will not stand if you lock him in a room at night.

However, if you gradually accustom him to this room, you will be able to lock him up there at night without traumatizing him. For this, I recommend that you take your cat with you into this room, close the door and play with him a little bit every day. Then you can try to lock it up for 1 hour during the day, then 2 hours and then try to lock it there at night. By doing this, for the majority of cats, it goes well.

On the other hand, if your cat is totally refractory, you should not leave it there because it can be anxious and become aggressive.

Calm your cat when you lock him up at night

To make it easier for your cat to adapt to the room where he will spend the night, there is the pheromone solution. Indeed, synthetic pheromones exist in the form of spray or diffusers. These are hormones that will de-stress him, reduce his anxiety and calm him so that he falls asleep more easily and more calmly.

Ne not feel guilty about locking up your cat at night

If your cat is hellish when he is roaming free in your house at night, you have to lock him in a room. Indeed, it is essential to preserve your sleep and that of the members of your family. If you tried toteach your cat to fall asleep but if he persists in playing the fool at night, it is normal to find another solution.

In addition, one should not let a cat trash the whole house every night. By locking your cat in the bathroom, no more peeing on the armchairs, no more damaged plants, no more broken vase ...

And it is not at all cruel to lock up to lock up your cat at night because as long as he has adapted to it, he will not be at all unfortunate or sad. In fact, it is better to lock your cat in the bathroom at night than to be exhausted with fatigue from day to day and end up making the decision to separate you from your cat...

Know how to lock your cat at night in a room

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