How to Care for a Constipated and Sick Cat

My cat is too fat - Best diet for obese cats

Your cat is too big and to make him lose weight, you ask yourself what is the best diet for obese cats ?

Getting your cat to lose weight takes time, patience, but above all good tips! Indeed, when we know that 1 kg in a cat is equivalent to 16 kg in a human, we understand better that a cat cannot lose 1 kg at high speed. Moreover, making a cat lose weight too quickly can be traumatic. for him and even dangerous for his health.

So, to get your cat to lose weight gradually and thus preserve his healthy life expectancy, you need to know the right tips and a diet that works!

So I present to you in this article the effective methods for make your cat lose weight and especially the best diet to lose weight an obese cat.

My cat is too big - Why?

In general, concerning its diet, a cat knows how to regulate itself. Naturally, he is content to eat his fill, only the amount he needs for daily food.

But it happens, in some cases (sterilized cat, sick cat, insufficiently nutritious food, bored cat…), than cats eat too much and begin to gain weight.

Stress can also explain why your cat has put on weight. Indeed, if your cat is emotionally disturbed, he may have behavioral problems such as bulimia.

However, there are several factors that can stress a cat:

My cat is too fat - How much weight to lose?

Before starting a diet, you must set a goal to achieve. To do this, you will need to know how much weight your cat will need to lose.

To determine the ideal weight of your cat, you can either ask his veterinarian, or refer to an average weight according to his breed and age: Weight of a cat according to its age.

As soon as you have the information, you will have to do a simple subtraction to know the weight that your cat will have to lose:

Weight of your cat - ideal weight = weight to lose

My cat is too fat - How can I make him lose weight?

There are only 2 effective ways to lose weight your overweight cat:

  • by strengthening their physical activity
  • et by changing their diet.

Weight loss for your cat - physical activity

Whatever the level of daily activity of your cat, you will have to increase his physical exercises to make him lose weight.

Even if your cat isn't running (like a dog does) behind the balls, you'll have to figure out how to get him to move so that he burns calories!

My cat is too fat - Best diet for overweight cats

You can try to run your obese cat or get him to exercise by:

  • playing with him with a laser,
  • stimulating it with a cat stick,
  • doing it play cat and mouse,
  • giving him an interactive toy (see examples below).

Mouse toy on Amazon

Fish toy on Amazon

Make your cat lose weight - What diet?

To make an obese cat lose weight, you must combine the increased energy costs (increased exercise) to a decrease in calorie intake from food.

However, the decrease in calorie intake should above all not be done by drastically reducing the amount of food you will give your cat. In fact, you risk starving your cat and, even worse, not sufficiently covering its nutritional needs.

The decrease in calorie intake must go through a sufficient food in quantity, balanced nutritionally but less calorie.

Suddenly, home or household food is to be avoided because it is too difficult to measure the content of fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber intake ...

The best, for his diet, will be to feed your obese cat on a regular and stable basis with quality kibble, in sufficient quantity and whose calorie intake will be reduced.

Make your cat lose weight - What diet?

Without depriving your cat of food, here is how to impose a small gentle diet without risk of deficiencies.

Diet for obese cats - Which kibbles?

For a diet without risk of deficiencies for your obese cat, the kibbles to favor are those from the ranges of premium quality. Indeed, these foods contain high quality nutrients well dosed in protein, fiber, low in grains and well suited to the needs of overweight cats.

So that your cat does not have intestinal disorders or diarrhea, when you change his diet, it will have to be done very gradually. You will gradually introduce the new kibbles while reducing the quantity of the old ones.

The kibble below are premium quality and highly rated by customers (read reviews on Amazon). Indeed, they contain natural products, they are rich in nutrients, fibers and low in fats and sugars.

Recommended croquettes

Diet for obese cats - How much kibble?

During the diet period, your obese cat should only be given 80% of daily amount recommended on the packet of dry food.

This daily portion should be divided into 3 or 4 meals during the day. If you work and leave your cat alone during the day, consider getting an electronic kibble dispenser. Indeed, you will program meals remotely.

Food distributor

Diet for obese cats - Pâtées?

It is also possible to give your obese cat a few pâtés, alternating with kibble: this is called bi-nutrition.

In fact, bi-nutrition allows the cat to feel more full and thus to have less desire to eat. This is because the pâtés and other bites in sauces are richer in water than the croquettes. Suddenly, when your cat eats it, the volume of food in the stomach is greater. So your cat feels like she has eaten more.

Recommended pasta

Diet for obese cats - Treats?

For this diet to be effective in making your obese cat lose weight, you will have to stop giving him treats and other treats. And if you need to reward him at certain times, it will be advisable to reserve some kibble for him in his daily ration that you can give him as a reward.

Diet for obese cats - Pipolino

To entertain and occupy the mind of your obese cat, the Pipolino toy is a solution to satisfy his desire to eat.

Indeed, by rolling the Pipolino that you have filled with dry food, your cat will occasionally drop some dry food. Thus, your cat fulfills his desire to eat while having fun and distracting himself for hours!

It's the perfect toy to give to a cat who is starting a diet!


Diet for obese cats - Zucchini

If your cat is really hungry and asks non-stop, give him zucchini or green beans between his kibble meals. Just cook these vegetables in water or steam and offer them if he is really hungry between meals.

If your cat is rather "picky" you can prepare these zucchini and beans to make these vegetables more appetizing:

  • Cut the zucchini into small cubes the size of the croquettes;
  • Put them in an ice cube tray where you will add a little tuna juice in each compartment;
  • So, all you have to do is thaw a cube to give it to him and voila!

Diet for obese cats - make them drink

During the diet, your cat will need to drink a lot. And for that, I recommend that you multiply the water points and ensure that your cat drinks enough.

View: How do you get a cat who doesn't want to drink?

Make your cat lose weight - How long?

Weight loss in a cat is a long process that usually takes several months. You must therefore be patient and weigh your cat every month to see if his diet is effective.

Of course, when the ideal weight is reached, you will have to give your cat 100% of the daily amount recommended on the packet of dry food. But, I advise you to keep good habits (physical exercise, no treats, a few zucchini ...) because your cat will have to stabilize his weight. So your cat will not regain the pounds so difficult to lose ...

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regulate gluttonous cats

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