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My cat licks me - Hand, face, hair, fingers meaning

Your cat licks you a lot, often or just once in a while and, intrigued, you wonder why your cat is licking you?

To find out, it is interesting to first understand why cats lick and can lick each other between cats? What is the purpose of licking in a cat? Then I will try to explain to you why a cat licks its master and will answer a few questions like why: My cat licks my hand, face, hair, nose, fingers, feet ...

Why do cats lick each other?

Not only do cats lick their coats to wash themselves, but they can also lick other cats around them. But why ?

In fact, licking in cats has several practical but also social functions:

  • Licking is important for maintain their coat (grooming, elimination of external parasites);
  • This is how cats clean their kittens and it is also a gesture of affection. Besides, kittens love to be groomed by their mother;
  • It is a gesture that allows strengthen links between cats. Indeed, the grooming of adult cats (instilled by their mother when they were kittens), shows a form of affection and mutual trust from one cat to another cat.
  • Practical side: Licking yourself is a way for cats to cool down when it is very hot;
  • On the instinct side: In the wild, cats eliminated the scent of the prey while licking after a meal;
  • Cats may lick themselves to cover or neutralize unfamiliar odors like returning from a visit to the vet;
  • In an environment where several cats live, licking each other helps them create a familiar group ;
  • Finally, cats can also use licking to relieve their stress.

Now let's see if all his reasons are found when your cat licks you at you ...

Why is my cat licking me?

Convenient function

It is common for a cat to apply itself to licking the hands of its owner when the latter has just touched food. In this case, your cat simply licks you to recognize the smell on you, to soak up it or to clean you ...

Form of affection

When your cat licks your fingers, hands, feet, etc., it doesn't always have to be to clean you. Indeed, just as the cat does with her kittens, your cat licks you to create a strong bond of affection between you and him. This is probably the best way for him to tell you that he values ​​you and that you matter to him.

In this case, your cat is simply licking you to express his affection!

Social function

On the other hand, within a group of cats living together, there is usually a designated groomer, who is a cat who licks and grooms the other cats in its group. If your cat licks you, it may also be because it integrates you into its group just like other cats.

So in summary, we can say that a cat who licks you is his way of you show affection and strong sign of integration to his group.

My cat licks my hand or my fingers

If your cat licks your fingers, the first common sense explanation is because you have just prepared food, touched fish, cheese ... and your cat is licking you to try to recover the traces of the food or just the smell.

Another case: If when you pet your cat it purrs and licks your hand or fingers, then you can be sure your cat loves you and enjoys being with you. As he feels good, he means it to you in his own way by purring and licking you.

But be careful, not all cats always lick their owner, and that doesn't mean they don't like them. Not all cats communicate the same.

Finally, last explanation: When he licks you, your cat deposits tiny odorous molecules on your skin with his tongue. It is a way for your cat to mark your territory. Indeed, these micro-molecules will warn other animals that you belong to your cat.

And if you have other animal smells on you, by licking you, your cat will not only remove the odor molecules from other animals, but will cover them with his own.

licking cats

My cat licks my face or nose

Even more than for the hand or the arm, if your cat licks your face, it is a very strong sign of affection and a real mark of confidence.

My cat licks my hair

Hair puzzles cats, who may compare it to their hair. Suddenly, if your cat licks your hair, it's a bit like when he is washing himself: he cleans you. And here too, it is a sign of affection and integration into his group.

Sometimes they happen to them lick hair of their owner with the greatest care in seeking or recognizing odors. In fact, the hair is easily impregnated with all kinds of odors that the cat will try to identify by licking.

My cat licks my feet

How to explain licking of the feet or ankles? Well, maybe because of a smell that makes your cat lick.

The smell of a cream, a plant or even perspiration will encourage your cat to appropriate it. He will therefore lick you and at the same time he will leave his own scent on your feet to signal that you are, so to speak, "his territory".

My cat licks me and nibbles me

If, when your cat licks you, he starts to gently nibble your hand or fingers without aggressively, it is because he is good with you and wants to get your attention. Usually, it's a call to play or hugs. Whatever it is at this level, it is always a gesture of love.

On the other hand, if when your cat licks you, it starts to nibble and continues with real bites or scratches, then this is really a sign of aggression (see My cat attacks me what to do?).

My cat licks me all the time

In a state of stress, anxiety or depression, a cat will have significant changes in behavior (cat urinating everywhere, cat meowing nonstop, cat that is no longer getting fat…). Yes your cat licks you all the time and excessively, it is also a sign that he is not feeling well, that he is upset.

In this case, I recommend that you seek the advice of your veterinarian because this may hide a symptom that must be treated without delay (see how do i know if my cat is sick?).

Licking cat - What to do?

Especially not prevent him because it is good for him and for you. However, don't let him lick your face.

Indeed, many studies have concluded on the benefits of licking a cat in the same way as purring but to a lesser effect. However, it turns out that it can have a positive impact on your health.

In addition, if you refuse to let your cat lick you, he may not understand why and your relationship may change ...

Salive cat is it dangerous?

Can a cat transmit diseases by licking you or licking your children? Yes, but rarely.

If, normally the cat saliva does not cause disease, in some cases it can cause infection with bacteria called Gram negative Bartonella henselae which could turn into " cat scratch disease". However, the risk of disease transmission through a cat's saliva is very low.

But, in order not to risk anything, it is better to respect a few hygiene rules: If your cat has just washed your hands or has just passed his tongue over your child's hands, they should be washed immediately afterwards.

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