Can a cat die of stress? Stressed cat what to do to help him

Can a cat die of stress? Stressed cat what to do?

Can a cat die of stress? What an agonizing question! You must be very worried if your cat has panic attacks, seems hyper stressed, suddenly is afraid of everything, hides, becomes aggressive ...

This is why you will find all the explanations for this condition which can be serious for a cat if it lasts and is not treated. You will thus understand the reactions that cats can have when faced with stress and reassure you in knowing how to avoid your cat's panic attacks.

Can a cat die of stress - alarming behaviors

If your cat is stressed, you will quickly realize it by his behavior and some worrying signs of pathologies.

Here are the typical behaviors of a stressed cat:

In which cases can a cat die of stress?

Point stress is the normal reaction of cats to a disturbing event. If the stressful situation is occasional or only lasts a few days, the majority of cats can cope.

But when stress sets in over the long term, it is a state of stress that becomes chronic in cats. However, if the cat suffers from acute stress over several weeks, it can trigger, develop or worsen diseases, some of which can be fatal. In this case, yes a cat can die of stress.

Diseases from which a stressed cat can die

A cat is not going to die just because it is stressed. But stress if it is not treated and becomes chronic will generate very bad behavior for his health and trigger or worsen pathologies. It is in this context that a cat can die of stress by the accumulation of problematic behaviors and diseases.

Without being exhaustive, here is the list of the main diseases that can be linked to stress in cats:

  • anorexia
  • Cystitis
  • Obesity
  • Vomiting and / or digestive problems
  • Depression
  • Behavior disorders
  • Dermatological problems (loss of hair, itching, etc.)
  • Failure of his immune system which will lead to more infectious and respiratory diseases ...

Stressed cat what to do to prevent him from dying?

Obviously if your cat suffers from a stress-related illness, you will need to treat him for this illness. But above all and above all, you have to understand where your problem comes from and remove the cat's source of stress.

This is what is most difficult: Understanding and solving the problem that generates stress in the cat.

Understanding Your Cat's Stress

As in humans, stress in cats is not an emotion but a reaction of the body and the mind in the face of real or perceived danger. It is this physical and / or psychological reaction that causes fear, anxiety, panic or even depression that can kill the cat.

When the stress lasts over time, the cat is under constant tension. This is what will weaken its cardiovascular system, its immune defenses and can disrupt its hormonal balance, which is essential for the proper functioning of its organism.

Find the cause of stress

Identifying the cause (s) of stress is very difficult and takes time. Indeed, the reasons why a cat can be stressed are very numerous and can be cumulative:

  • Situations that generate worry, fear, apprehension (Ttransport by car, visit to the vet, party with many guests, noisy work);
  • Changes in their habits, in their diet, in their daily life, in their lifestyle;
  • Changes in its environment (moving, cohabitation between several cats, arrival of a roommate, birth of a baby);
  • Suffering (stress reaction to physical or mental suffering that the cat can no longer endure such as for example paw pain or the absence of his master).

Treating the occasional stress of the cat

To avoid serious forms of stress in cats (depression, illnesses, phobias, panic attacks, aggressiveness), you must react quickly as soon as you have identified the cause (s) of their condition.

You'll need :

  • Protect your cat from situations that can generate stress (see causes above)
  • remove stress triggers,
  • soothe your cat and help him resist his fears better (use of pheromones see below),
  • create a safe and reassuring environment (no more noise, perches, cozy baskets, good hygiene, etc.),
  • spend more time with your cat (cuddling, playing, going out).

Dealing with stress that can kill a cat

If your cat suffers from chronic stress, I recommend that you get help from:

A veterinarian

If your cat suffers from stress-related conditions, you should take her to a veterinarian. Indeed, he will need, according to the ailments from which he suffers, an adapted drug treatment.

A therapist

Without therapy, some stressful states can escalate into phobias, trauma or depression from which cats can die.

These conditions are very serious and require long-term management.

There are professionals who specialize in behavioral therapy for stressed cats. They will find the right solutions for your cat as well as for you in relation to your behavior with your cat.

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