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Why is my cat not purring

You worry because your cat no longer purrs, that he don't purr like usualwhether he purrs in silence or because your cat does not purr at all ?

Indeed, a cat's purring is a mechanism in cats that is associated with the state of well-being of a happy cat. But, in reality, what makes cats purr? Where does the cat purr come from? What does cat purring mean? Do all cats purr? If my cat is not purring is this normal, should I be concerned?

These are the questions that I will try to answer thanks to my own experience but also thanks to the research that I undertook when I was confronted with this problem myself. Indeed, two weeks ago, I adopted an abandoned kitten (see Licorice below) who never purrs and that disturbed me a little ...

Why doesn't my cat purr with me

Where does the cat purr come from?

Scientists haven't fully figured out how a cat is capable of producing this soothing and therapeutic sound.

They explain that this sound is related to the contractions of the laryngeal muscles, to pressure on the vocal cords in conjunction with inspiration and expiration.

Too complicated for me to tell you more ... See the scientific explanations on the article in Sciences et Avenir: How do cats purr?

What does purring bring to the cat?

Cats have sensory receptors on the surface of their skin called the Pacini corpuscles (as in humans). Sensitive to vibrations, these cells react to the vibrations of purring and transmit this signal to the brain where they induce the production of endomorphins. These molecules, which have the same effects as morphine, plunge the cat into a state of calm and well-being.

Indeed, even in a weak situation or when the cat is injured, purring would calm and soothe it.

Likewise, a purring cat can calm and soothe the cats around it or the humans who hold it or stroke it… This is what we will see in more detail below.

cat that does not purr? Cat purr meaning

What does cat purring mean?  

Experts believe that purring is a way for kittens and moms to communicate with each other. Since kittens are born blind and deaf, during the first weeks of their life, the vibration of their mother's purring gives them confidence and prompts them to suckle. Then, when the kittens become adults, the purring has other functions and meanings.

But here, just as the purring mechanisms are not yet well identified, the same goes for explaining its functions and meaning.

However, we have been able to see and verify that purring is used by cats as a communication tool very effective in conveying a soothing signal.

In what situation does a cat purr?

Generally, a cat begins to purr in very specific cases For example :

  • When they are relaxed (feeling of well-being);
  • When they are afraid, whether they are injured or sick (because the purring soothes them);
  • During lactation (to calm and guide the kittens);
  • When they meet a new cat (to appease him and avoid conflict).

Why does a cat purr?

Not all cats purr for the same reasons, everything will depend on their habits, their environment, their relationship with you and their state of health.

One thing we know for sure is that purring is not an involuntary reflex. In fact, generally a cat purrs for:

  • Express their state of well-being and satisfaction;
  • Regulate stress or fear;
  • Calm down and reassure himself or others;
  • Relieve their pain or discomfort;
  • Send communication signals to other cats or humans;
  • Feel good and maintain good health.

Do all cats purr?

From the first days of their life, kittens make their first purrs then, usually, they purr for the rest of their lives.

However, some cats with a wild temperament or having been weaned too early will never purr. For some, sometimes they start to purr as they get older.

Regardless, just because they don't purr doesn't mean they're unhappy. Indeed, they find other ways to calm down and to communicate their feelings and their needs.

Why is my cat not purring?

If your cat has never purred, that's okay. Indeed, some cats do not feel the need to purr, are less sociable or have not acquired the purring mechanism. Indeed, if a kitten he was removed from his mother too early, he may not have been able to develop purring. Cats have different means of communication and each cat chooses how to express themselves.

But rest assured: Cats that do not purr at all have no deficiencies, no deficiencies, no pathology. They are quite normal but they do not purr.

Why is my cat no longer purring?

If your cat usually purrs and suddenly stops even in the situations that caused the purring, he may be unhappy, stressed or in poor health. I therefore recommend that you consult a veterinarian, especially if you also notice a tendency to lethargy, loss of appetite or any other change in behavior. See my article: How do you know if your cat is sick?

If you think your cat is sad, here is How to make a cat happy?

My cat purrs in silence

Some cats purr so quietly that the purrs are hard to hear. This does not mean that he does not purr or not well.

To detect a "silent" purr, gently place your hand on your cat's chest or throat and you will feel vibrations.

Cat that no longer purrs

How do I get my cat to purr?

According to experts, there isn't much that can be done to convince a cat to purr.

However, if your cat is calm and affectionate, you can still try to encourage him to purr by promoting certain purring-stimulating situations:

  • Pet your cat under its chin, on its back or behind its ears.
  • Speak very softly to your cat when you have it on you or sing him a soft lullaby.
  • Cuddle with your cat when he is in a well-being situation (when he is lying in the sun or in front of the fireplace…).

Even though some say that purring is one of the best experiences to share with your cat, whether or not you are able to purr your cat, it doesn't really matter. What is important is that you give him all the care he needs and a lot of love on a daily basis!

Cat purring effect on humans

If it is undeniable that the purring of cats soothes us, calms us down and makes us feel good, their effects do not stop there!

Indeed, it has recently been recognized that the purring of cats presents therapeutic virtues for the man. This is what some call purr therapy.

In fact, cat purrs can reduce stress, fight insomnia and calm anxiety. Other studies are currently looking at the power of purring on bones to accelerate their healing, for example.

When is a purring therapy session reimbursed by Social Security?

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